Valid funny queries π
select the join from join join join using(the,some) / select some join from left join join right using(some,the) / select 1 join from join join join join join using(the) on 1=1 / select the some from join where the=some( the(select some from join) ,the(select the from join) ) /
[sourcecode language=”sql”]
create table join as select 1 some,1 the from dual;
create table left as select 1 some,1 the from dual;
create table right as select 1 some,1 the from dual;
Little addition π
update two tables set join=2; select join from two tables; select first, second, random from two tables join three tables on 1=1;
Another one π
select first , case when the=some(some,some) then join end true from two tables join three tables using(random);
select random columns from two tables join four tables on the=some(some,some);