You might be familiar with intra-block row chaining, which can occur when a table has more than 255 columns. However, did you know that intra-block chaining only works with inserts, not updates? (Upd: This is not valid since version 12.2).
Documentation says:
When a table has more than 255 columns, rows that have data after the 255th column are likely to be chained within the same block. This is called intra-block chaining. A chained row’s pieces are chained together using the rowids of the pieces. With intra-block chaining, users receive all the data in the same block. If the row fits in the block, users do not see an effect in I/O performance, because no extra I/O operation is required to retrieve the rest of the row.
A bit more details:
1. A single row piece can store up to 255 columns.
2. Oracle splits fields into row pieces in reverse order.
3. Oracle doesn’t store trailing NULLs in a row (not in a row piece)
4. The next row piece can be stored in the same block only with inserts. When you run an update, oracle will place the new row piece into a different block. (not valid since 12.2)
I’ll show in examples with dumps:
Example 1:
1. Create table TEST with 355 columns (c_1, c_2, …, c_355)
2. insert into test(c_300) values(2)
3. dump data blocks
[sourcecode language="sql"] drop table test purge; set serverout on; alter session set tracefile_identifier='test1'; declare c varchar2(32000); v varchar2(32000); cols varchar2(32000):='c_1 number(1,0)'; vals varchar2(32000):='null'; ndf int; nbl int; begin for i in 2..355 loop cols:=cols||',c_'||i||' number(1,0)'; vals:=vals||','||case when i = 300 then '2' else 'null' end; end loop; c:='create table test('||cols||')'; v:='insert into test values('||vals||')'; dbms_output.put_line(c); dbms_output.put_line(v); execute immediate (c); execute immediate (v); for r in (select 'alter system dump datafile '||file#||' block '||block# cmd from ( select distinct file#,block# from v$bh where class#=1 and objd in (select o.data_object_id from user_objects o where object_name='TEST') order by 1,2 ) ) loop execute immediate r.cmd; end loop; end; / disc; [/sourcecode]
grep -P “^(bdba|block_row_dump|tl: |col )” test1.trc
bdba: 0x018019f3
bdba: 0x018019f4
bdba: 0x018019f5
bdba: 0x018019f6
bdba: 0x018019f7
tl: 260 fb: -----L-- lb: 0x1 cc: 255
col 0: *NULL*
col 1: *NULL*
col 2: *NULL*
col 3: *NULL*
col 252: *NULL*
col 253: *NULL*
col 254: [ 2] c1 03
tl: 54 fb: --H-F--- lb: 0x1 cc: 45
col 0: *NULL*
col 1: *NULL*
col 2: *NULL*
col 3: *NULL*
col 42: *NULL*
col 43: *NULL*
col 44: *NULL*
The resulted dump file shows us:
1. Both row pieces are located in the same block 0x018019f4
2. They contain only the first 300 columns, (trailing 55 columns are NULLs)
3. The first row piece contains columns c_46 – c_300,
4. The second row piece contains columns c_1 – c_45 (they all are NULLs)
Example 2.
But let’s test an update with the same table:
1. Create table TEST with 355 columns (c_1, c_2, …, c_355)
2. insert into test(c_1) values(null)
3. update test set c_300=2
4. dump data blocks
[sourcecode language="sql"] drop table test purge; set serverout on; alter session set tracefile_identifier='test2'; declare c varchar2(32000); cols varchar2(32000):='c_1 number(1,0)'; begin for i in 2..355 loop cols:=cols||',c_'||i||' number(1,0)'; end loop; c:='create table test('||cols||')'; execute immediate (c); execute immediate ('insert into test(c_1) values(null)'); execute immediate 'update test set c_300=3'; commit; for r in (select 'alter system dump datafile '||file#||' block '||block# cmd from ( select distinct file#,block# from v$bh where class#=1 and objd in (select o.data_object_id from user_objects o where object_name='TEST') order by 1,2 ) ) loop execute immediate r.cmd; end loop; end; / disc; [/sourcecode]
bdba: 0x018019f3 block_row_dump: tl: 260 fb: -----L-- lb: 0x1 cc: 255 col 0: *NULL* col 1: *NULL* col 2: *NULL* ... col 251: *NULL* col 252: *NULL* col 253: *NULL* col 254: [ 2] c1 04 bdba: 0x018019f4 block_row_dump: bdba: 0x018019f5 block_row_dump: bdba: 0x018019f6 block_row_dump: bdba: 0x018019f7 block_row_dump: tl: 54 fb: --H-F--- lb: 0x1 cc: 45 col 0: *NULL* col 1: *NULL* col 2: *NULL* ... col 42: *NULL* col 43: *NULL* col 44: *NULL*
As you can see, there is no intra-block chaining – second row piece was created in another block.
Example 3.
Now I want to show how oracle splits already chained rows:
1. Create table TEST with 355 columns (c_1, c_2, …, c_355)
2. insert into test(c_1) values(1)
3. update test set c_300=2
4. update test set c_301=3
5. update test set c_302=4
6. dump data blocks
[sourcecode language="sql"] drop table test purge; set serverout on alter session set tracefile_identifier='test3'; declare cols varchar2(32000):='c_1 number(1,0)'; procedure print_and_exec(c varchar2) as begin dbms_output.put_line(c); execute immediate c; end; begin for i in 2..355 loop cols:=cols||',c_'||i||' number(1,0)'; end loop; print_and_exec ('create table test('||cols||')'); print_and_exec ('insert into test(c_1) values(1)'); print_and_exec ('update test set c_300=2'); print_and_exec ('update test set c_301=3'); print_and_exec ('update test set c_302=4'); commit; execute immediate 'alter system flush buffer_cache'; execute immediate 'select count(*) from test'; for r in (select 'alter system dump datafile '||file#||' block '||block# cmd from ( select distinct file#,block# from v$bh where class#=1 and objd in (select o.data_object_id from user_objects o where object_name='TEST') order by 1,2 ) ) loop execute immediate r.cmd; end loop; end; / disc; [/sourcecode]
bdba: 0x018019f3 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019f4 block_row_dump: tl: 264 fb: -----L-- lb: 0x1 cc: 255 col 0: *NULL* col 1: *NULL* ... col 249: *NULL* col 250: *NULL* col 251: *NULL* col 252: [ 2] c1 03 col 253: [ 2] c1 04 col 254: [ 2] c1 05 bdba: 0x018019f5 block_row_dump: bdba: 0x018019f6 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019f7 block_row_dump: tl: 56 fb: --H-F--- lb: 0x1 cc: 45 col 0: [ 2] c1 02 col 1: *NULL* col 2: *NULL* col 3: *NULL* ... col 42: *NULL* col 43: *NULL* col 44: *NULL*
This dump shows us 4 row pieces: First row piece contains 255 columns, second – 45, and 2 row pieces – just by one row.
So we can analyze it step-by-step:
2. insert into test(c_1) values(1)
After insert we have just one row piece with 1 field.
3. update test set c_300=2
After this update, we have 2 row pieces:
1) c_1-c_45
2) c_46-c_300
4. update test set c_301=3
This update split row piece c_46-c_300 into 2 row pieces:
1) c_46
2) c_47-c_301
So we have 3 row pieces now: c_1-c_45, c_46, c_47-c_301
5. update test set c_302=4
This update split row piece c_47-c_301 into 2 row pieces:
1) c_47
2) c_48-c_302
And we’ve got 4 row pieces: c_1-c_45, c_46, c_47, c_48-c_302
You can try Example 4 and see how many blocks you can get, and all of them (except last one) will have only 1 column each:
[sourcecode language="sql"] drop table test purge; set serverout on alter session set tracefile_identifier='test4'; declare cols varchar2(32000):='c_1 char(3)'; procedure print_and_exec(c varchar2) as begin dbms_output.put_line(c); execute immediate c; end; begin for i in 2..355 loop cols:=cols||',c_'||i||' char(3)'; end loop; print_and_exec ('create table test('||cols||')'); print_and_exec ('insert into test(c_1) values(null)'); commit; for i in 256..355 loop execute immediate 'update test set c_'||i||'='||i; end loop; commit; execute immediate 'alter system flush buffer_cache'; for r in (select 'alter system dump datafile '||file#||' block '||block# cmd from ( select distinct file#,block# from v$bh where class#=1 and objd in (select o.data_object_id from user_objects o where object_name='TEST') order by 1,2 ) ) loop execute immediate r.cmd; end loop; end; / disc; [/sourcecode]
[sourcecode language="sql"] bdba: 0x01801281 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801282 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801283 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801284 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801285 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801286 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801287 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801288 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801289 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x0180128a block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x0180128b block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x0180128c block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x0180128d block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x0180128e block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x0180128f block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801291 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801292 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801293 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801294 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801295 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801296 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801297 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801298 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x01801299 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x0180129a block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x0180129b block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x0180129c block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x0180129d block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x0180129e block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x0180129f block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012a1 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012a2 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012a3 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012a4 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012a5 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012a6 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012a7 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012a8 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012a9 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012aa block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012ab block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012ac block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012ad block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012ae block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012af block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012b1 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012b2 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012b3 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012b4 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012b5 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012b6 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012b7 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012b8 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012b9 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012ba block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012bb block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012bc block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012bd block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012be block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012bf block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012c1 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012c2 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012c3 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012c4 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012c5 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012c6 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012c7 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012c8 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012c9 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012ca block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012cb block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012cc block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012cd block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012ce block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012cf block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012d1 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012d2 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012d3 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012d4 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012d5 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012d6 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012d7 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012d8 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012d9 block_row_dump: bdba: 0x018012da block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012db block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012dc block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012dd block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018012de block_row_dump: tl: 558 fb: -----L-- lb: 0x1 cc: 255 col 0: *NULL* col 1: *NULL* col 2: *NULL* ... col 152: *NULL* col 153: *NULL* col 154: *NULL* col 155: [ 3] 32 35 36 col 156: [ 3] 32 35 37 col 157: [ 3] 32 35 38 col 158: [ 3] 32 35 39 ... col 251: [ 3] 33 35 32 col 252: [ 3] 33 35 33 col 253: [ 3] 33 35 34 col 254: [ 3] 33 35 35 bdba: 0x018012df block_row_dump: bdba: 0x018019f3 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019f4 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019f5 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019f6 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019f7 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: --H-F--- lb: 0x2 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019f8 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019f9 block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019fa block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019fb block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019fc block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019fd block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019fe block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* bdba: 0x018019ff block_row_dump: tl: 10 fb: -------- lb: 0x1 cc: 1 col 0: *NULL* [/sourcecode]