Write a pure SQL query with PL/SQL that stop after :N seconds, where :N is a bind variable.
My solution
with v(start_hsecs, delta, flag) as ( select hsecs as start_hsecs, 0 as delta, 1 as flag from v$timer union all select v.start_hsecs, (t.hsecs-v.start_hsecs)/100 as delta, case when (t.hsecs-v.start_hsecs)/100 > :N /* seconds */ then v.flag*-1 else v.flag+1 end as flag from v, v$timer t where v.flag>0 and t.hsecs>=v.start_hsecs ) select delta from v where 0>flag / --end
SQL> var N number
SQL> exec :N := 3 /* seconds */;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select...
1 row selected.
Elapsed: 00:00:03.01
Another my solution using sys.standard.current_timestamp, so some internal pl/sql…:
select count(*) from dual
connect by sys.standard.current_timestamp - current_timestamp <= interval'3'second;