I posted a while back on how to use Tracing Hybrid Columnar Compression in an offload server so this is a quick follow up.
- I have trouble remembering the syntax for setting a regular parameter in an offload server without bouncing it. Since I need to keep this written down somewhere I thought it might be use to support folks and dbas.
- I forgot to show you how to specify which offload group to set the trace event
So this example should do both:
CellCLI > alter cell offloadGroupEvents = "immediate cellsrv.cellsrv_setparam('my_parameter, 'TRUE')", offloadGroupName = "SYS_122110_160621"
this will, of course, set a parameter temporarily until the next time the offload server is bounced, but also adding it to the offload group’s init.ora will take care of that.