Unfortunately associative arrays still require more “coding”:
we still can’t use “indices of” or “values of” in simple FOR(though they are available for FORALL for a long time), don’t have convinient iterators and even function to get all keys…
That’s why I want to show my templates for such things like iterator and keys function. You can adopt these functions and create them on schema level.
declare type numbers is table of number; type anumbers is table of number index by pls_integer; a anumbers; i pls_integer; function iterate( idx in out nocopy pls_integer, arr in out nocopy anumbers) return boolean as pragma inline; begin if idx is null then idx:=arr.first; else idx:=arr.next(idx); end if; return idx is not null; end; function keys(a in out nocopy anumbers) return numbers as res numbers:=numbers(); idx number; pragma inline; begin while iterate(idx,a) loop res.extend; res(res.count):=idx; end loop; return res; end; begin a(1):=10; a(3):=30; a(5):=50; a(8):=80; -- iterate: while iterate(i,a) loop dbms_output.put_line(a(i)); end loop; -- keys: for i in 1..keys(a).count loop dbms_output.put_line(a(keys(a)(i))); end loop; end;