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Current source code:
col owner for a30; col tab_name for a30; col top_sql_id for a13; col temporary for a9; col last_analyzed for a30; col partitioned for a11; col nested for a6; col IOT_TYPE for a15; with tabs as ( select to_char(regexp_substr(sql_fulltext,'FROM "([^"]+)"."([^"]+)"',1,1,null,1)) owner ,to_char(regexp_substr(sql_fulltext,'FROM "([^"]+)"."([^"]+)"',1,1,null,2)) tab_name ,count(*) cnt ,sum(executions) execs ,round(sum(elapsed_time/1e6),3) elapsed ,max(sql_id) keep(dense_rank first order by elapsed_time desc) top_sql_id from v$sqlarea a where a.sql_text like 'SELECT /* OPT_DYN_SAMP */%' group by to_char(regexp_substr(sql_fulltext,'FROM "([^"]+)"."([^"]+)"',1,1,null,1)) ,to_char(regexp_substr(sql_fulltext,'FROM "([^"]+)"."([^"]+)"',1,1,null,2)) ) select tabs.* ,t.temporary ,t.last_analyzed ,t.partitioned ,t.nested ,t.IOT_TYPE from tabs ,dba_tables t where tabs.owner = t.owner(+) and tabs.tab_name = t.table_name(+) order by elapsed desc / col owner clear; col tab_name clear; col top_sql_id clear; col temporary clear; col last_analyzed clear; col partitioned clear; col nested clear; col IOT_TYPE clear;
ps. Or if you want to find queries that used dynamic sampling, you can use query like that:
select s.* from v$sql s where s.sql_id in (select p.sql_id from v$sql_plan p where and p.other_xml like '%dynamic_sampling%' )